“Strong Mind, Compassionate Heart”
Bringing Faith and Learning to Life
Mt Maria College is a Catholic co-educational secondary school in the Marist tradition, making Jesus Christ known and loved. Our VISION is to form young people to be of 'Strong Mind and Compassionate Heart'. Our MISSION is to educate and nurture students to be knowledgeable, ethical, resilient and generous.
Promoting excellence and equity, Mt Maria’s 'philosophy and aims' supports a student-centred, holistic approach to education, recognising that students have different strengths, needs and backgrounds. We affirm our commitment to the importance of meeting these individual needs, with a focus on student progress and growth, regardless of the starting point.
Embedded in the Australian context, we respect and learn from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, knowledge, and histories.
Our educational goals have as a specific focus the building of students’ capacity to develop empathy-enhanced skills in collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication. We work to unlock the potential of each student, aspiring to extend their potential and develop agency for their learning, so as to be active and informed members of the community.
We affirm education’s role in developing young people’s resilience and mental wellbeing, enabling them to confidently recognise, adapt to, and manage change.
Inspired by our Catholic Marist tradition, positive relationships are the basis of partnerships among learners, families, and staff. We endeavour to build a local and global network of learning and engagement through which our students mature into meaningful, compassionate, and confident contributors to society.
In making our vision a reality, we have high expectations of our students and staff. We support all students – irrespective of students’ background, relative advantage, or cultural heritage – to develop a growth mindset to enable their progress into self-directed, confident, and creative, life-long learners. Our teachers aspire to be positive, enthusiastic, and engaging, so as to facilitate differentiated, quality teaching and learning experiences which will engage and motivate our students. This is especially critical for individual success in our current ‘change of era’.
As an inclusive learning community, we recognise the importance celebrating success, acknowledging the achievements and efforts of all.