Pastoral Care and House System
Pastoral Care at Mt Maria College is facilitated through a House system. Each student belongs to one of seven Houses (Benedict, Champagnat, Lavalla, MacKillop, Montagne, Pelletier or Samaritan) named in honour of significant people, places and stories embedded in our Marist charism.
The seven Houses form the College's vertical approach to student wellbeing. Guided by our House Pastoral Leaders, our pastoral care classes enables the groupings of younger and older students together in the one class at the start of each day led by their Pastoral Care teacher. Each Pastoral Care group in years 7 to 12 is House-based and consists of approximately 25 students, with 4 or 5 students being drawn from each of the six year levels.
Students remain in the same House throughout their schooling and all children in the one family will belong to the same House when they commence their education with us. Through spiritual, sporting, and cultural events, students proudly represent their House, illuminating their unique strengths and spirit to the College community.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Mt Maria College, Mitchelton (2024)