© Brisbane Catholic Education, Mt Maria College Mitchelton (2023)
The Mt Maria Cultural program offers numerous activities for students to participate in and are offered to all students alongside the Sporting and Music co-curricular activities offered.
The benefits for students participating in the Cultural program are numerous, including:
- Providing a safe place for students to try out and discover new talents or interests
- Building confidence through trying new activities and experiences
- Experiencing breadth and depth in all subject areas
- Allowing students to socialise with students from different year levels
- Creating a balance between academic and sporting endeavours
- Opportunities to make new friends through common interests
- Building working relationships with students and teachers outside the classroom
- Working with others in real world settings ie. as part of a team or group working towards a common goal
- Keeping students busy and engaged in their learning
- Showcasing excellence within the College community
- Offering all inclusive opportunities where diversity of talents is accepted and celebrated
Cultural activities the College offers:
- Performances at assembly and at P & F events (Cultural Events)
- Debating Team - QDU Competition
- Inter-house Chess Competitions
- SHAKE FEST – QLD Youth Shakespeare Festival – in conjunction with Shake & Stir Theatre Co
- Theatre Sports – compete against other schools
- Book Week activities / trivia / dress up / competitions
- Vinnies Vintage dress up day – in conjunction with social justice group
- Country Day - raising funds for QLD farmers
- Class Clowns
- Art Film Competitions
- Lions Youth of the Year
- Readers Cup Challenge
- Musical production (every 3 years)
All activities are free of charge unless otherwise stated.
Mt Maria Cultural Contacts
Mrs Belinda Tucker Cultural Program Leader - belinda.j.tucker@bne.catholic.edu.au
Mrs Niki Barry, Cultural Administration Officer - nbarry@bne.catholic.edu.au