

​​© Brisbane Catholic Education, Mt Maria College, Mitchelton (2023)

Sport Program

The Sport Program at Mt Maria College can be broken down into four main areas: 

Interhouse Carnivals
SECA Sport
Representative Sport
​Swimming Cr​​​oss Country Athletics 
​SECA Carnivals SECA Gala Days 2 x SECA Seasons
​Basketball, Football / Futsal, Hockey, Netball, OzTag, Rugby League, Rugby 7's, Touch Football, OzTag, Volleyball
North-West Independent
Met North Queenslan​d​

Representative sport offerings vary year-to-year depending upon coaching and administrative capacity.

SECA Program Overview  

Mt Maria College is a member of the South - Eastern Colleges Association (SECA) in which it competes against several other Catholic Co-educational Secondary Schools (Inter-school Sport).

Most sports are played in school time to allow students to fulfil any club commitments they may have on weekends. Training commitments are before and after school. It is an expectation that all students involved in a team attend training sessions. 

Sports Offered at Mt Maria Colleg


​​​​​Term ​One




Term Two 

Cross Country

SECA Season 1

Rugby League 9's (Boys)

Netball (Girls)

Indoor/5-a-side​ Soccer

Volleyball / Beach Volleyball


Theatre Sports​

​Term Three


​SECA Season 2​

Touch Football

Outdoor Soccer

Theatre Sports



AFL 9s

Rugby 7s  


2025 Sport Handbook.pdf


The 2025 Mt Maria College Open Boys Rugby League and Open Girls Netball team is proudly supported by the following sponsors. We thank them for their commitment to our athlete​s and their support of our success in the QISS carnivals. 

​​​2025 Confraternity and QISSN Sponsors

Sponsors One Page.png


​All logos used with written permission​ ​​